Qualification for Degrees
Insurance Institute of India
Insurance Institute of India
PABL also offers Insurance Institute of India (III) Certificate/Specialized Diploma Level Courses by which insurance professionals also get international qualifications without going abroad.
The following are the structure of III qualification degrees by which insurance professionals can develop their knowledge skills to compete in the worldwide market.
Structure of III Qualification Levels:
It is the fundamental or core level for insurance professional
Completion Requirement: 60 Credits
Compulsory Subjects: Principles of Insurance (25 Credits) and Practice of Insurance (Life/ Non-Life)-(25 credits)
It is the intermediate level where participants get familiar with the practical aspects related to the chosen subjects.
Completion Requirement: 250 Credits (Including Licentiate level Credit points)
Compulsory Subjects:
This is the highest level that involves advanced studies in specified areas.
Completion Requirement: 490 Credits (Including Licentiate and Assosiateship Level)
Compulsory Subject: (Any one from the below subjects)
PABL also provide III’s Specialized Diploma Certification in Marine, Fire, Health and Life-Underwriting.